
Bizavest is a platform where startups, small and even large businesses canachieve efficient data implementationcapacity at relatively affordable costs. The platform will function as a social media network and will offer tailored information based on what the user needs to know. This will save companies and individuals the trouble of seeking usable information from large data stores that can be found on the web.
The platform is an AI-driven data analytics platform and its aim is to build business intelligence that is affordable, effective, secure, and smart. The system is driven by artificial intelligence coupled with the natural human skill and expertise. The platform will strike a sustainable and effective balance between man and machine and the two will work together to come up with true data that is valuable, effective, and affordable.

How Bizavest Blockchain AI Data Coin Works

To use the platform, users will register on the Bizavest platform and request a service from the menu. After describing the service they want, the platform will provide the service and users can pay using Bizacoin after their needs are met.
If you need a service from the platform, your funds will be held in escrow until you are satisfied with the service provided. As the client, you will have to approve the result for the funds to be released to the system. If data is not satisfactory, it can be redone or even. The AI system or Dacomian and the expert advisors confirm the data quality on the platform.
The users of Bizavest generate the stored information. Thus, the cost of getting what you need is reduced. Additionally, clients who use Bizavest save their money since they do not need to look for funds to conduct surveys or polls to collect consumer data. Additionally, users who enter their data are rewarded with Bizacoin. It is also possible to get other rewards when you perform specific tasks.

Bizavest Analytics Platform Advantages

Competitive Advantage

Among the many data analytics and business intelligence gathering platforms, Bizavest offers a competitive advantage due to the features below:

The Blockchain advantage

The integration of blockchain technology provides high-level validation and security

Cognitive Analytics

The platform analytics is powered by intelligence that learns

Revolutionary Intelligence Service

The platform uses the AI and human interaction to provide disruptive business intelligence

Bizavest Analytics Platform Features


The platform will come up with an AI-Human driven system that will generate analytics and insights. Human experts will provide consultation.

Survstream app

This Dapp will collect data from the Bizavest community members. The app can collect different types of data including both unstructured and structured data.


In this unique blockchain, all the processes will work on a data-proof system. The chain will be built on theefficiency of data manipulation.

Bizavest Analytics Platform BIZC Token & ICO Details

The Bizc token is the utility token that will be used on the Bizavest platform. The token is based on the Ethereum platform. The total supply of the tokens will be 100,000,000 tokens. 45% of these tokens will be available to the public during the ICO token sale. You can join their whitelist on their website to be notified of the sale.

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