Over the years the crypto trading had started, there are some challenges which traders had been experiencing, for the fact that most exchanges are centralized exchange in the sense that there is always a third party between both buyers and sellers before any transaction would be processed. The buyer would need to create an internal wallet for the pairs he/she would be trading with and deposit ETH before setting the buy order for the asset he/she is purchasing on the exchange. Reverse is the case as for the seller. Centralized exchanges had so many disadvantages which would be never favorable to any trader. One of this Demerit is when a Centralized exchange experience hack, traders fund on the exchange may never be refunded and the likes are the challenges centralized exchange possessed. I’m hereby to introduce to you the project which came up with the solution to those problems mentioned above. It is of no doubt, Traders had been waiting for this kind of project that would eradicate Centralization up to an extent (WEIDEX ).



is an exchange market that does not need to rely on a third
party service to hold the customer’s assets. Instead, the trades occur directly
between users (peer to peer) through an automated process called smart
weiDex is a fully featured decentralized exchange (DEX). It guarantees
the highest possible security, full transparency and open source logic. The major reason behind the decentralized exchange is the removal of the third party. Weidex introduced a Referral system so as to be of benefits to the users, where you invite a friend and 20% of their exchange trading fee goes to your wallet. Only this is an innovation which is first of it’s kind. No any decentralized exchange that had come up with this idea in the past. WEIDEX would allow multiple orders where a trader would be able to set an order to take as much transaction as needed to fulfill, while you would get charged for a transaction. #WeiDex #IEO#TokenSale #startup#BountyCampaign #Investment #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Exchange#Crowdfunding

Weidex Token Allocation/Information


This infographic image had shown the allocation of the token clearly. Below is the token information.

weiDex Token

Token name: weiDex

Token symbol: WDX

Total supply: 50 000 000 WDX

Token type: ERC-20

Token Decimals-18

For more informations and inquiry, kindly visit below url links.

WEBSITE : https://weidex.market/

WHITEPAPER : https://weidex.market/images/whitepaper.pdf?v=1.0.1

FACEBOOK : https://web.facebook.com/WeiDex-163716047661387

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/weidex2

TELEGRAM : https://t.me/weidex

BITCOINTALK ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4591905.0


My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2063333


Hello there everyone, at this moment I am exhibiting to you yet another great and solid task the market of digital forms of money has ever known. With the surge of new altcoins in the arrangement of ICOs, numerous trick ventures are taking off putting the honest to goodness and certain disapproved of planners and trailblazers of beguiling and promising activities on the troublesome approach. Be that as it may, my groups of onlookers and devotees that have been following the majority of my posts and direction on ICOs in Medium/Blog would observer that genuine and promising activities with sensible benefit limits have been still existed and very much created

I am going to now to present to you another task that can fulfill the need of planned crypto as far as long haul speculation and the worldwide regarding administrations and its utilities. COOPEX has been a venture with an accomplished, full-time group and great vision indicated in its administrations and utilities

Not just the marketcap expanded

There is another metric that expanded the same amount of as the marketcap did. The exchanging volume on trades! The day by day exchanging volume on the fifth of january 2018 was at around 70 billion dollars. On the off chance that the standard exchanging charge of 0.1% for every exchange is connected to the day by day exchanging volume, the trades earned around 70 million dollars in 24 hours just through exchanging expenses! That is mind blowing.

While everyone is attempting to locate the following bitcoin, trades are raking in huge profits. Notwithstanding the exchanging charges there are store, withdrawal, posting and different expenses. That implies trades are really procuring more than that. For instance, Binance is relied upon to create between 500 million to 1 billion dollars in 2018.

How might you benefit from trades?

It has turned out to be clear that a ton of cash is setting off to the trades and with the assistance of trades one could make a considerable measure of benefits. Its like “offering scoops in a goldrush”. Be that as it may, how might you take an interest and benefit from those profit? Without a doubt, in the event that you are a broker and have a ton of involvement with business sectors you can procure a great deal through daytrading. In any case, there is another approach to profit by the exchanging volume. COOPEX. You most likely never knew about COOPEX yet trust me, once you’ve known about it you’ll be as eager about it as I am.

What is COOPEX?

COOPEX is the universes first agreeable trade. What does that mean? Fundamentally it implies that COOPEX gives 75% of their earned exchanging charges back to the enthusiasts of the venture. Right now they’re running an ICO for their trade. The delicate top is just 500.000$ and the hardcap just 1.000.000$. The cost amid the ICO will be roughly $0.10/COOP, and the costs in BTC/BCH/ETH might be acclimated to meet that cost. Current costs are as following:

1 COOP = 0.0000144 BTC

1 COOP = 0.00012 BCH

1 COOP = 0.0002 ETH (right now handicapped)

Expected circling supply: 10,000,000

Expected aggregate supply: 12,000,000

The ICO will stop once 9.000.000 Tokens are sold or on the third of august, whichever starts things out.

Any tokens unsold before the finish of the ICO will be scorched.

What Is Liquidity? Cryptocurrency Exchange Listing Fees & Exploitation : https://coopex.market/blog/cryptocurrency-token-liquidity
What Are ERC20 Tokens & Where Can I Trade Them? https://coopex.market/blog/erc20-tokens
How To Choose The Best Cryptocurrency Exchange For You: https://coopex.market/blog/best-cryptocurrency-exchange
What Is A Decentralized Exchange (DEX)? : https://coopex.market/blog/decentralized-exchange-dex
Official site of the project: https://coopex.market
The conditions of the bounty campaign: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4592560.0
Telegram project channel: https://t.me/coopexmarket
Twitter: https://twitter.com/coopexmarket/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coopexmarket/


My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2063333


You can have an idea and grow a respectable business from the scratch, but when you already have a business that is sustainable, and want to grow it faster with new technologies, that is easier thing to do. This is why KartBlock is interesting, this idea of decentralized e-commerce has a respectable business behind 27avenue.com, which is successful and plan to grow more.
Since E-commerce is needed today, market is growing very fast, and KartBlock plan is to be underlying blockchain technology for the further development of e-commerce business.

Only in last three years e-commerce industry revenue doubled, and it is forecasting that this year total revenue will be close to 3 trillion dollars.
Idea behind KartBlock ecosystem is very simple – to directly reward customers/users for their valuable contribution to the Kart Block platform, without the need for any middlemen.
How the system is functioning – person create user profile, through which can make online purchase and can create online store and list products on the marketplace. After successful purchase, product is shipped and delivered through 27avenue and logistic companies. Confirmed delivery ensures payment to/from user wallet, and provide info to logistic companies.
This brings transparency and security to e-commerce process through block-chain technology and decentralized applications, that can be seen on picture below.

This autumn 2018 is reserved for token sale and product MVP, and global expansion is expected next year.

for more information visit http://kartblock.io/


My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2063333


I want to introduce you to KITTOKEN, designed to speed up transactions in the blockchain community, taking a step forward to demonstrate secure, affordability-driven transactions and fast, fluid transactions. As we have seen, cryptocurrency is gaining momentum around the world, as it is very important for cryptography investors and members to get cryptography, which will make all their transactions easier and faster.


What is KitToken?

The global trend of the financial ecosystem has moved to a stage where blockchain technology has taken the penultimate position as a driver. The current scenario of emerging innovative technology, such as blockchain technology, advances in computer technology, efficient, fast, secure, reliable and low-cost transfer of funds, as well as the use of crypto- money by the masses. KITToken is subject to the development of a sustainable and stable financial ecosystem based on the blockchain. It uses a value transfer protocol to transfer payments from one person to another. in peer to peer. It also aims to create a decentralized platform to accelerate and accelerate cross-border transactions. It also uses the world’s most powerful security systems to ensure its financial ecosystem is fast and secure.

  • KitToken is officially registered with the Malaysian government;
  • KitToken will trade on an SEC-compliant exchange where you can buy and sell them for profit;
  • KitToken can be used with existing point programs;
  • KitToken can be exchanged for cryptocurrencies and cash;
  • KitToken can also be exchanged for merchandise.

KitToken Strategies

  1. Build the gap between the trader and the users
    Create a community of merchants and users including suppliers of goods and services, medical services, air travel and hospitality, as well as educational services to accept KitToken as a payment method worth $ 1.5 trillion.
  2. Awareness and recruitment
    Create and promote awareness among KitToken holders through dropping and incentive measures. Recruit 1 million KitToken regional holders and facilitate a $ 2.5 trillion peer money transfer
  3. Benefits and extension of the network
    Create unique high value projects that will contribute to an annual gain of 3-5% for kittens owners. To expand the network of users through a branding strategy and aggressive promotion

Characteristics of KitToken

  • Secure and defined environment,
  • Connects traders and individuals,
  • Low fees, fast and reliable transactions,
  • Sharing of profits between holders,
  • Strong business supported by assets,
  • Autonomous technology and global remittance.

Kittoken Benefits

  • Current state of cash
    Money remains the dominant force in any economy. He will have a change at any time. And this paved the way for the existence of an update and a new version of the payment method, the kitpay method.
  • Need for KitPay
    In the future, Kitpay’s technology may enable better development of financial transactions to meet the demand for new currencies. It allows faster, faster and more secure payments
  • Cryptography Regulation
    Asian regional countries are embracing convergence to an era of digital currency disruption where most countries are developing regulatory guidelines to use cryptocurrency as a method of payment.
  • Cryptography Regulation
    Asian regional countries are embracing convergence to an era of digital currency disruption where most countries are developing regulatory guidelines to use cryptocurrency as a method of payment.

Token Information (As See on Official Website)

  • Token name: KitToken
  • Symbol: KIT
  • Decimal: 18
  • Price per token: $ 0.05
  • Total Supply: 8 Billion
  • For Reserve: 2.5 Billion
  • For sale: 3.5 Billion
  • Airdrop + Bonuses: 2 Billion
  • Contract Address: 0x080eB7238031F97Ff011e273D6CaD5ad0c2dE532
  • Token Type: Utility Token

ICO information and pre-sales

  • Pre-Sale Event
    July 20th to 25th (Bonus 70%)
    July 26 to 31 (50% bonus)
  • ICO sales
    1st phase from August 1st to 10th (Bonus 30%)
    2nd phase from August 11th to 20th (Bonus 20%)

Useful Link Regarding KITTOKEN Project

My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2063333


What is GeoManna?
The GeoManna platform is a decentralized ecosystem that is socially supported for interaction between friends. Transparency, reliability, speed and equal opportunities are core values ​​embodied in technologies that prevent and function from intelligent contracts on the platform.
This platform expands the potential use of financial services based on distributed registrants, self-made smart contracts.
GeoManna is designed to unite all participants in one place, giving them a foundation for creating and using financial services where people can, provide services, and use services. that.
GeoManna can provide new technical solutions and a new conceptual interaction model among participants in the foundation for the development of modern decentralized financial services.
The GeoManna platform will be friendly and with minimum technical requirements to provide services to the public, demonstrating the benefits and capabilities of the platform.
The GeoManna platform is a new world where users create their own value.
GeoManna background?
The GeoManna platform is a social hierarchy that supports peer-to-peer interaction. Transparency, reliability, speed and equal opportunities are core values embodied in block technology and intelligent contract functions on the platform.
This platform extends the use of distributed subscription-based financial services, self-made smart contracts.
GeoManna is designed to unite all participants in one place, giving them a foundation for creating and using financial services where people can, provide services, and use them. .
GeoManna can provide new technical solutions and a new conceptual interaction model among participants in the foundation for the development of modern decentralized financial services.


  • . Secure and anonymous fast money transfer system
  • . Ability to store and accumulate at no cost
  • . Global access to websites and transaction services


  • GeoManna’s Goal?


The main purpose of making the GeoManna platform is to provide opportunities for all participants from different social classes to receive bonuses to meet basic needs, by exchanging them for goods and services. service.
Even distribution of bonuses among participants will reduce the gap between different social strata and increase the ability to consume.
Full control of their money, as well as the absence of interest rates, fees and adjustments, will allow banks and other institutions to avoid the financial freedom of citizens and businesses.
Our goal is to create a powerful tool for the business and socio-economic sectors. Users determine the liquidity and relevance of the platform, as well as their persistence. The volume adaptation of the platform will simplify the interaction between economic and socioeconomic sectors, and ease of use and reliability will ensure a steady flow of new users from the field. different activities.
Integrating the platform into business will enable direct interaction between consumers and suppliers of goods and services. A fast and reliable joint settlement system will strengthen the relationship between them. Multi-level loan programs for the business sector facilitate platform development and implementation in all areas of human activities.
.Loans and Guarantees:
The microcredit system will allow users to borrow free bonuses from other participants as well as lend from their savings. The smart contract will allow you to collect free bonuses from platform participants to provide loans where the borrower for the loan will not be a person and some participants.
The main tool for users is a bag, which functions on all types of smart phones. The main function of the bag is to receive and save bonuses, and confirm transfers between platform participants. The second feature that is no less important than this bag is the exchange of bonus functionality between platform participants.
The whole platform concept is based on complete removal of commissions on the platform. Transfers between the participants will be fully implemented without deducting the transfer fee. This model will create a friendly atmosphere among the participants and enhance the trust relationships associated with the platform itself.
Our project was created with security ideas. The multi-system authorization system will ensure safe storage of your personal data and bonuses on your device. The dual-lock system will allow them to be stored on removable media.
In all aspects:
Allocate honest bonuses among all participants
There is no cost in the platform
Your smartphone is your personal and trusted bank
Goods, services, loans, charities and more
Easy to use, intuitive
Transfer money anonymously or open according to your choice
Small credit system between platform participants
About business:
Potential users over 7 billion
High speed and reliability
Innovative approach and absolute absence of competitors
Long-term technical platform development
Integrate into all areas of human activity
A unique approach and solution to current market problems
And this is just the beginning
smar contec

Bonus Name: GeoManna
Gift symbol: GM
Bonus duration: 10 years
Environment bonus release: Ethereum Platform
Bonus Criteria: Smart contracts that comply with Ethereum ERC-20 standard
Decimal amount as reward: 2
Bonus Selling Currency: Ethereum (ETH)
Standard price at the time of issue of bonus: 1 GM = 0.10 USD
The minimum target volume before sales equals 300 (ETH)
Maximum sales limit: unlimited
The number of GM bonuses issued for the pre-sale stage is 100 000 000
Minimum Purchase Volume: Equivalent to 0.1 (ETH)
Sales Start Date: August 1, 2018.
End date of sale: Novemder 1, 2018.
All unsold bonuses at the end of all sales stages will be burned
Road map development project.
Research on the social problems of modern society
The first contact with blockchain technology
The research work of blockchain technology, its ability to introduce into the business and socio-economic sectors
2017 Q2
The core of the team is formed
2018 Q2
Register a company and create a website
The wide integration of mobile phones has determined the movement of the platform
2017 Q4
Decisions have been made to create a platform that combines business and socioeconomic sectors
  • 2017 + Q3
  • Ideas for creating social projects based on blockchain technology
  • 2018 Q2
  • Develop strategies for platform development and introduction
  • 2018 Q3
  • The previous stage of the social activity bonus position before the ICO
  • 2018 Q4
  • Start developing mobile apps to distribute and save bonuses
  • 2018 Q4
  • The main stage of placing a social work ICO bonus
  • 2019 Q4
  • Introducing this platform suite into the economic business sector
  • 2019 Q3
  • Test and launch new decentralized platforms, as well as exchange bonuses for new platforms
  • 2019 Q2
  • The beginning of the development of a new decentralized blockchain platform
  • 2019 Q1
  • Develop and introduce bonuses among participants in exchange site applications as well as exchange of goods and services.
  • 2019
  • Business Loan Program Q4
  • 2020
  • Fully adapt and apply technology in all areas of operation
  • 2020
  • Creating the world’s first social bank
  • 2021
  • By 2021, the number of users of the GeoManna ecosystem will reach 1 billion



Logistics industry has a vast and wide magnitude in terms of volume, employment. From the
movement of goods from wheels to by aircraft, the sea has gone through the major changes
and the developments which made the life easy with the increase in speed of delivery,
affordable pricing and much more.
Trade is one of the eldest and the important business vertical. From long distance trading, our economies were established which allowed modern civilization to thrive. The first mode of payment is on the barter system i.e. exchange of good A in favor of the good B. After the barter system, fiat coin system was evolved and then the latest financial instruments were involved and used. It shows the evolvement of the payment system as the time period and as the payment system is evolved same the mode of transportation has also evolved from wheel cart to the trucks, planes and vessels which has led to the increase in the delivery speed and
reduction in the movement cost.
Irrespective of all these developments and innovations, Logistics Industry is one of the most
backward and sluggish industry in terms of the innovation. The information industry has
almost disrupted every sector and industry but it didn’t create an impact on the logistics
industry. Globalization has set and opened new ways of interaction, trading among countries
but still, the logistics industry is as same as, as it used to be before 100 years.
But, the one of the most innovative invention after the internet which is Blockchain has raised once again all the hopes for the logistics industry and it’s expected that the implementation of Blockchain in the logistics industry will not help it it’s in survival but also will take it to the next level.The Blockchain is expected to solve the all the existing problems of the logistics industry.
Blockchain has the power to disrupt the logistics industry in the same manner as internet disrupted the news space and e-mail disrupted the mailbox and traditional postal service. Dafzo aims to help the logistics industry in its revival and adds values in creating the logistics industry efficient and innovative.

Dafzo, Global Logistics Aggregator is the first P2P, a decentralized next-generation open source platform using Blockchain & Artificial Intelligence. Dafzo is an improved version of the open source platform and limitless financing for international trade, the electronic market, which includes a crypto currency gateway, mobile wallet for mobile applications, and a decentralized record system. In parallel, Dafzo launches smart contracts based on Ethereum, as well as a commercial Utility token on the network to address security, fraud and smuggling issues and effectively tracks deliveries for all transactions based on logistics.

Dafzo uses Blockchain technology to revolutionize and democratize the financing of international trade, the global logistics system of electronic commerce and freight forwarding by eliminating modern intermediaries (including the bank) and geographic barriers in the market. The decentralized Dafzo system results in significantly lower ecosystem costs for small logistics companies, provides safer technology and reliability, and eliminates the entire supply chain.

Dafzo – this platform, based on Blockchain Ethereum technologies, uses intelligent contracts to provide decentralized services to small logistics companies around the world. Dafzo without exaggeration can safely enter the top ico best projects of the current year.The services provided by this platform will be directed to a wide range of global logistics finance, sales and related issues. Free insurance will prevent fraud in this area and will be provided to users through smart contracts. In addition, smart contracts will be used to provide users with a secure payment system.

What is International Trade Finance?

International Trade Finance signifies the transaction between the importer and exporter, including intermediaries such as banks, legal house etc.to facilitate the cross-border sales transaction.

Dafzo Token Use

For those who join and want to know more satisfying information, complete and more clearly visit the link below !!!! ….

My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2063333


Solution for tracking payments StreamPay uses the technology of contract smart schemes to track raw materials to finished goods. The solution manages and controls the supply chain and quality assurance to reduce risk and ensure sustainability.
Liquidity StreamPay Token (STPY)
StreamPay will create a multi-level infrastructure to support the liquidity of STPY and including the following:
Bancor Protocol Exchange STPY from StreamPay
The purpose of selling StreamPay tokens offers potential users of the StreamPay platform the right to purchase its STPY tokens via a “crowd” campaign, which begins on June 30, 2018.
The STPY marker is based on the decentralized standard “Ethereum” standard ERC20 token. Formed in the block chain and subject to automatic execution when predetermined criteria and events occur and under certain conditions, STPY marks are valid unlimited and are the property of their respective owners.
StreamPay O & Uuml; is a limited liability company in Estonia and registered in accordance with the legislation of the European Union. It is subject to audit on the basis of best practices in the market in accordance with the European rules, thus ensuring full transparency and absolute accountability for all activities in Estonia, including the publication of complete company reports. Estonia was chosen for its favorable climate of digital innovation, including electronic resident.
Token STPY provides its owners with special product advantages, including increased
rewards depending on the user’s activity. STPY is not shares, securities or their equivalents and, therefore, does not create the ownership rights or orders of StreamPay or its
asset. Holders of STPY do not have any influence on the decision-making of the company or its activities.


Cash Flow Crowdsale


We will distribute STPY in direct proportion to the amount paid by the participants during the sale of the marker in accordance with the Terms. Additionally, StreamPay uses escrow services in the Blockchain Group law, thereby applying an additional level of security and providing additional assurance to the participants that the distribution of tokens will occur in accordance with StreamPay’s smart contract terms.
Bounty structure


Support is needed for many marketing and expert discussion forums, such as
Bitcointalk, twitter, facebook, the contribution of opinion leaders, advertising banners and participation in individual publications specializing in crypto-currencies and block chain. StreamPay launches the official Bounty program to reward its supporters for a total of 4% of all tokens or 2,000,000 STPY tokens will be provided to participants in the generosity program. Get your share. The program will work until the end of the sale of the tokens. Bounty will be paid within 15 days after the end of the sale of the token.


Bounty Distribution


Equivalent 2,000,000 STPY tokens
Signature Campaign (20%) & equiv; 400,000 STPY Tokens
Twitter (20%) & equiv; 400,000 STPY Tokens
Facebook (20%) & equiv; 400,000 STPY Tokens
Reddit (6%) & equiv; 120,000 STPY Tokens
Medium (6%)? 120,000 STPY Tokens
Telegram (6%) & equiv; 120,000 STPY Tokens
Instagram (6%) & equiv; 120,000 STPY Tokens
YouTube (8%) & equiv; 160,000 STPY Tokens
Translate & Other (8%) & equiv; 160,000 STPY Tokens


Asad Ullah
Senior Software Engineer
Asad is an experienced full stack developer and works as a Web Application Developer.
Syed M Farooq
Senior Software Engineer
Syed Farooq built his career in development, work for designing and developing effective software solutions.
Kashif Ali
UI/UX Designer
Kashif Ali is a passionate UI/UX Designer and works on fond of Web & Mobile Applications Design.
Usman Mehmood
Project Leader
Usman is an experienced Project Leader. Responsible for planning, executing and promoting activities that a project undertakes.
Saba Waheed
Technical writer
Saba starts a career as a content writer and produces various content types includes Blogs, and whitepaper.
Sidra Saleem
SQA Engineer
Sidra built her career in SQA and responsible to monitor, analyze and test software during development.
Irum Zaka
Software Engineer
Iram is an experienced software engineer and has a keen interest in blockchain and related technologies offer.
Shakeel Anjum
Technical Support Engineer
Customer service focused Technical Support Specialist with the excellent career experience in helpdesk environments.
Muhammad Rizwan
Software Developer
Rizwan focused on application, architecture and database development. He specialized in using latest technologies
Umer Tariq
Web Developer
Umer is responsible for designing, coding and modifying websites according to a client’s specifications.
Ali Taimoor Khilji
Mobile Application Developer
Ali specializes in ‘Mobile Application Development such as building apps for Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS.
Technical Support Engineer
As a Technical support engineer, Hassan is responsible for installing and configuring our software on our customer’s end.
For More Information:

ETHL-Ethereum Limited Edition

What Is Ethereum Limited ?

Ethereum Limited is a smart contract creation platform. We noticed that not everyone has the ability to write a smart contract since it requires some level of programming skills so we decided to make it easier for everyone to create a smart contract.

By taking advantage of the decentralized nature of the Ethereum blockchain, Ethereum Limited doesn’t have to worry about the security of its users data.

Due to the creation of Ethereum Limited Ecosystem, people requiring smart contracts will flock to the Ethereum network – making it more successful. Lower transaction costs, faster turnaround, automation and immutability are just some of the benefits we offer.

Features, profit characteristics of Ethereum Limited?

1. Ethereum Limited is a very limited token located in the Ethereum blockchain. This is the token generated from the need; Do not interfere with external distractions and tamper with transactions.

2. Ethereum Limited is a platform built on the current Ethereum platform vulnerability and gives users a modified version of Blockchain – with many features.

3. Ethlimited allows users to run smart contracts as easily as repeating the alphabets. This eliminates the need for third party parasites.

In doing this, it brings more value to its users, much larger than Ether. It is also very limited and subject to supply and demand, which agree that the provision of electronic funds as little as each coin is appreciated.

To ensure that the value of Ethereum Limited crosses the Ethereum value, it only supplies a maximum of 10 million while Ethereum has a maximum inventory of around 100 million.

In simple mathematical terms, this means that 1 Ethereum Limited is worth ten times more than 1 ethereum. Ethereum Limited aims to price EThere um before 2019 ends.

Final transaction: We believe that the proposed core value of each blockchain is invariant; Valid transactions will never be deleted or deleted, and can be retrieved by anyone at any time.

Manage authorizations: when something is distributed, nothing is focused on determining what’s happening or not, and it’s not in a single location. Because the limited eth is lost in focus, it naturally takes advantage of all the advantages of decentralization that its users love

Includes Privacy: How do I guarantee privacy on eth limited?

With restricted et, the right to privacy is guaranteed because the transaction information does not flow to a point, they can use many points to solve it. With EThe-reum, privacy is guaranteed as it is difficult to track information across the network.

Ease of Use: the foundation makes smart contracts with our user-friendly. Thousands of templates ready to be selected will be available for customization.

Minimum cost: Using our Intelligent contract templates and platforms will not jeopardize your budget. You will spend less than one cup of coffee.

Market: Can not find smart contract form that is not tailored to your needs? Need a custom template, but you can not do it yourself? Employing different platform users through our market.


We want a world where cryptocurrency is as normal as fiat money is nowadays. A world where smart contracts are as common as cellphones, tablets and laptops. A world where people use smart contracts on a frequent basis with Ethereum Limited platform.


Ethereum Limited wants to provide a user-friendly platform that will enable the creation, modification and execution of smart contracts.

Also, to make smart contract creation as easy as signing up for an email account.

Ethereum Limited wants to see people taking advantage of smart contracts. Smart contract are not just for business applications. The world will find amazing ways to apply blockchain and smart contract to make our lives easier – and Ethereum Limited will be on the center of that innovation.

Detail Ethereum Limited ICO Token Sale

Token Name: Ethereum Limited

Ticker: ETHL

Maximum Supply: 10,000,000

Sale of Tokens

PRE-SALE: $0.50 1,000,000 Tokens

ICO: $0.70 to $1.50 5,000,000 Tokens

Token Allocation

Private Sale: 800,000

Pre-ICO: 1.000,000

ICO: 5,000,000

Airdrop: 500,000

Bounty: 1,300,000

Development: 900,000

Team: 500,000

Road Map

For more information, please visit the link below:

Author: safazara

Website : https://ethlimited.org/

Whitepaper : https://ethlimited.org/whitepaper.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ethereumlimited/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/EthereumLimited

Telegram: http://t.me/EthereumLimited

Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4521586


My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2063333



Yamzu is a decentralized browser-based platform, which is based on blockchains. The project is a kind of modern children’s games for eSports tournaments. Any player can participate in competitions, taking advantage of the decentralized project Yamzu.

Yamzu is a unique browser-based platform. Existing programs do not allow players to feel safe; Most of the time, the data is not confidential, which leads to serious problems. The Yamzu developers take into account the research, which reveals a very interesting trend: a browser-based platform can provide a really high quality that the project demands. The creators of Yamzu have been working on their project for a long time; they have already managed to create a large customer base, as well as obtain significant profits; two years of work allowed to increase income by 300%.

Yamzu is designed as a fully operational, browser-based eSports tournament platform. The Yamzu platform makes eSports competitions available to any gamer in any location on Earth. The platform is the only one of its kind, being entirely browser-based.


The platform is one of a kind, completely browser-based. Competing companies are faced with constant problems of users ‘ privacy. Meanwhile, internal user research shows that the browser platform really shows more growth and potential. These factors give confidence, especially given that Yamzu has a user base (10,000).

The platform is designed for the following:

• Players and teams fight for prizes and rewards.
• Brands, influencers and organizations that want to create tournaments.
• Advertisers and sponsors, focused on the eSports audience.

Yamzu currently supports CS: GO and LoL, two of the most popular eSports games in the world. The platform is ready to integrate many more popular games such as DOTA2, Call of Duty, Battlefield and PUBG.General information


Token: YMZ
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 269,230,770 YMZ
Price: 1 YMZ = 0.1 EUR
Payment: ETH

Soft cap: 3,000,000 EUR
Hard cap: 13,000,000 EUR


Quantity: 71,500,000 YMZ
Beginning: 04.07.2018
Completion: 31.07.2018
Bonus: 30%


Quantity: 35,000,000 YMZ
Beginning: 01.08.2018
Conclusion: 01.09.2018


Yamzu plans to branch out into several niches in the gaming industry, including, among others, entertainment venues, talent agencies that support Twitch, as well as streamers and segment-oriented clothing brands.

In the long term, Yamzu should be an important decentralized platform to carry out any eSports competition, regardless of their skill level. At the same time, we are developing several separate projects based on Blockchain, which are directly related to the platform. With adequate funding, all projects will be implemented in the near future.

Yamzu intends to become a leading provider of eSports tournaments, one of which is associated with P2P (Peer to Peer) games, as well as major regional and world tournaments. The fact that Yamzu already supports the activity of the platform created gives hope to those investors who believed in the developers and decided to invest in the project. In the future, we will work with game developers, forming a symbiotic relationship associated with the creation of new and unique projects. In addition, it is planned to develop a system for the introduction of new competitive disciplines: if the games will be popular with customers, competition will be a prerequisite. At the same time, the developers of the decentralized platform are ready to open new horizons to active users, as well as the creators of the content of the game. You can effectively monetize your own efforts and get rewards for your activities. Within the platform, the cryptocurrency will become a payment instrument.


• Q1 2016
Yamzu constitution
Yamzu’s first “closed beta” is launched for League of Legends.
Yamzu starts generating revenue.

• Q4 2016
Yamzu ends its first operational year with revenue higher than 800k SEK.

• Q1 2017
Yamzu launches CS:GO in “closed beta”.

• Q2 2017
CS: GO launches in “open beta” alongside League of Legends.

• Q4 2017
The Yamzu engine is ready to support mobile games.
It was the second and best year of the platform in terms of revenue. The platform generated more than 2.7 Million SEK for a roughly 300% growth in revenue generated in 2016.

• Q3 2018
Token Sale

• Q4 2018
Full implementation of YMZ Tokens into the platform.
Yamzu opens the platform to sponsors, influencers and partners
Launch of Yamzu merchandise line for gamers.
The YMZ will be quoted on trading platforms
Internal exchange implementation.

• Q1 2019
The first mobile eSports games will be implemented in the platform.
More PC eSports titles will be available, including DOTA 2, PUBG, Call of Duty, and Battlefield.

• Q2 2019
Yamzu will hold its first global eSports events.

• Q4 2019
By this point in time, Yamzu will have more than 20 eSports titles available on its platform, ranging from AAA to indie games.

• Q2 2020
Yamzu will hold annual eSports championships for top ten countries with the most users.


Website: https://yamzu.io/
WhitePaper: https://yamzu.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Yamzu-whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamYamzu
Telegram: https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p= @yamzuofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yamzuesport/
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4457997.new#new


My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2063333


ROCATI is the first crypto-analyst who deals with physical assets: real estate

“ROCATI was created in order to create the perfect economy for our country through real estate, and we plan to become the global reference currency of the industry.”

Our Vision

With ROCATI we want to help real estate and the real economy. We are at the beginning of the financial market revolution. We will be a part of this competition and a leadership position.

The core business of ROCATI is to focus on the Reform of environmental law, to sell the rights in a targeted manner. The goal is to reduce waste of energy.

Our strategy is an inspiring real estate industry, which is designed, convenient, safe and reliable solutions for the consumer to provide and provide. Our value is transparency and professionalism. ROCATI brings all to the same level and makes them smart buyers. Who needs to buy an apartment without a dream, you should enter a line of credit. ROCATI is the only decryption technology in the world, with a certain value of home can purchase.

Those who have bought ROCATI, can buy the dream house and the family as part of the club to build on.


About ICO

In the ICO Phase, there will be 45 million ROCATI pro market, and it will give a value of 1 Euro per Token. This real estate project, the largest real estate project in the world has been realized, is guaranteed by the necessary crypto-currency credit for the sale.

10 APR 2018 – MAY 2018 19 (1.0 EURO = 1.0 IRC)
For more information:

Website: https://www.rocati.net/
Topic: JN subject: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3384346.msg35459548#msg35459548
White paper: https://www.rocati.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Whitepaper-ENG.pdf/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/He_y1hHwCYJ0Rr01xXJZEQ


My bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2063333